Laser cutting

The Benefits of Lasers in an Industrial Setting

Laser technology is very much present today. From mobile devices to home appliances, the list of uses for laser is ever-growing. Many industries have found various ways to incorporate the light technology to improve their operations. With the recent developments in using laser, this is unlikely to end soon.

How Do Lasers Works?

The term laser is an acronym for “light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.” A laser device has a lasing medium that serves to make the atoms get into an excited state, increasing the energy of electrons. As the electrons revert back to a relaxed state they emit light energy. The photon wavelength or the colour of light emitted is determined by the state of the electron’s energy.

Improving Industrial Operations

Lasers are more than just for a visual effect. As lasers emit concentrated light energy, they are ideal for industrials for a number of reasons. You can use laser for plastic welding and soldering in material processing. Laser systems with a higher optical power (normally above 300W) are used in sheet metal cutting and metal welding applications among other intensive operations. Laser will help you work on precise outputs and eliminate errors, especially when working with metal.

Not for the Uninitiated

Using laser technology for industrial purposes is not for the uninitiated though; leave it to experts like us to ensure maximum output quality and operational safety. In fact, entrust your materials needing laser cutting work only to service providers that make use of advanced equipment like CAD/Turret machine.

At Winward Engineering, we offer premium plasma & laser cutting services to improve industrial operations. Using top-of-the-line laser technology, we cut a variety of metal, be it mild steel or titanium among others, according to your design.

We take pride in the level of quality we pour into every project that our clients have entrusted to us. You can guarantee top-notch laser cutting process that is second to none. Feel free to contact us to learn more.